Kaiserwinkl Kunst & Kultur
Questions and Answers

Questions and Answers

Who can become a member of the association?

In principle, any adult can become a supporting member of the association. Children who are not yet of age can obtain membership through their parents, which is free of charge until they reach the age of majority. The data of a child who is not yet of age must be entered separately when submitting the application form. It is advantageous if an active club member can be named as a reference. The presidium of the association decides on the acceptance of the application.

How can I become a member of the association?

You can apply for membership of the association by sending the completed and signed application form either by mail to the address of the association (see https://kaiserwinkl.net/impressum/) or by scanning it and sending it to office@kaiserwinkl.net. The membership becomes valid on the date of acceptance of the application by the presidium of the association. The membership fee is thereafter due for payment within 1 week.

How can I get the sustaining membership application form?

You can download the application form after registration on the homepage of the association https://kaiserwinkl.net/register / in the member area under forms, or you take part in an association presentation event and it is available there in paper form, or you have it sent to you by a member of the association, or you contact the association via the association contact form https://kaiserwinkl.net/kontakt/.

How long can I become a member of the association?

After submitting the application for a sustaining membership, the membership of the association becomes active with the countersignature of the presidium on this date. This can be applied for the duration of 1 year and on request up to a maximum of 3 years. The membership is then automatically extended for the period up to a maximum of 3 years, provided that the member pays the membership fee in due time (last day of the paid membership).

How much is the membership fee and how do I pay the association membership fee?

The association sustaining membership fee is 1€ per month and is payable in advance for 1 year up to a maximum of 3 years. The fee can be paid in cash at the club treasurer’s office or preferably via bank transfer. The account details can be found on the homepage of the association (www.kaiserwinkl.net).

What are my obligations as a member of the association?

The association member is obliged to promote the interests of the association and to refrain from anything that is against the purpose of the association or could cause damage to the association. The association’s bylaws and resolutions are posted on the membership page of the homepage for review and it is the member’s responsibility to keep informed of them.

How can I receive the association newsletter?

The association newsletter is only available to association members and is free of charge. After you have registered as a club member, you can subscribe in the member area by pressing the button “Newsletter”.  The associations newsletter will be dispatched exclusively electronically via Email.

How can I get the club membership card?

The club membership card is issued in credit card format and is only issued to club members of legal age. A sample of the club membership card is available on the club website https://kaiserwinkl.net/ausweis/. After you have become a member of the association, a picture of you in passport format is required, which you send electronically to office@kaiserwinkl.net in JPG format with adequate resolution. The cost of issuing the club membership certificate is €6, – and with renewal of club membership is required again.

How can I invite others to the club?

We are happy if you recruit potential members for our club. They can get information on the website, occasionally there will be club presentations. The member of the association can download the application form for the sponsoring membership on the website and print it out and give it to the interested people.

How can I get involved?

Every member of the association is welcome to actively participate in the life of the association. It makes sense to take on tasks in the association for which the gifts are available. The contribution is based on honorary way and is usually not remunerated.

What can lead to an exclusion from the association?

If a member of the association violates the interests of the association, violates the statutes or damages the association in any other way, the internal arbitration committee can mediate or issue a warning up to the exclusion of the member from the association, whereby a possible exclusion is not contestable.